Why Women Live Longer Than Men

· 8 min read
Smart old man playing chess board game with his son at home.

Did you know…

Men, on average, die about six years younger than women.

Research shows that males can expect to have a shorter life expectancy than women. So, why do men have a shorter life expectancy than their female counterparts? Truth is, there are many reasons why.

Kitchen Safety for Seniors

Men seem to dismiss the importance of going to see a medical professional. Men have tendencies to brush off their medical issues and convince themselves that they can tough it out, rather than look for medical advice. This can stem from either the fear of not looking ‘tough enough’ or they may simply be nervous to have an annual check-up. They may be afraid of enduring a prostate cancer exam and fail to realize the risks in avoiding one, especially after the age of 50. This can cause their chances of finding cancer when it is treatable and in the early stages go down and will increase their chances of finding when it is too late. Avoiding the doctor also means that men will be unaware if they have medical conditions such as high blood pressure or cholesterol levels. Leaving these medical conditions untreated causes men to be susceptible to having a 50% higher chance of having heart disease. Testicular cancer normally strikes men when they are young, between the ages of 20 and 35. Getting in the habit of going to a doctor annually from a young age can help young men detect these conditions early on and allow for treatment in the early stages.

Men avoid getting help for their depression or mental illness. Unfortunately, men have the same stigma about going to seek professional mental help as they do with medical physical help.

Although depression is more common in women than men, men are less likely to seek out help for their feelings and illnesses.

Women are much more likely to speak up to their medical professionals regarding concerns, questions and start health related conversations, which in turn allows them to access help much faster. Women are more forthcoming about their mental health, things that need to be examined and are much more meticulous about their doctors’ appointments. Women outlive men solely because they are diligent about taking care of their bodies, they are in tune with their needs and they are not afraid to speak up if they feel as though something is off. So, how can men be proactive and prolong their life span?

Healthy Habits & Healthy Lifestyles

Throughout their lives, men can take control of their healthy by living a healthy lifestyle. Eating a well-balanced diet, maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding smoking and limiting the consumption of alcohol are a few ways men can stay as healthy as possible. It is advised for men to spend at least 30-minutes exercising each day, giving your body and mind a chance to work and become stronger. In addition to a healthy diet, it is said that taking a daily multivitamin can help men get the nutrients that the body needs and thrives off. Please consult your doctor before taking any sort of medication.

In addition to these healthy habits, it is important for men to go to the doctor on a regular basis. Each year, men should take the time to get a routine physical with their general practitioner. During these doctor appointments, it is imperative that men feel comfortable enough to speak out about their medical needs and history. For example, during a routine physical, men should bring any concerns or questions to their doctors’ attention, such as how often they should get screened for prostate or testicular cancer. Medical professionals should be resources for men to maintain a healthy lifestyle to live a longer, more fulfilled life.

Living a healthier lifestyle does not have to depend solely on the physical health of a man. Mental health is just as important for men to pay attention to, as 6 out of 10 suicides are men. As a man, there is a common stigma or belief that showing emotions equals showing weakness. However, researchers and doctors disagree stating that speaking up and asking for help shows that a man is tough enough to recognize that he is struggling internally and is brave enough to seek help. There are several resources available, including the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline on 1(800) 273-8255 or the Lifeline Crisis Chat.

Help support 24 Hour Home Care and the Movember Foundation work towards long and healthy lives for men everywhere!

Preventative & Corrective Medicine Access

As modern-day medicine has progressed, so has the ability to access both preventative and corrective medicine. For some men, this may entail going to their local wellness drug store to pick up easily accessible vitamins that their doctor may suggest for them. For others, however, the accessibility to medication can mean more than simple vitamins. Medicines, such as diabetes medication or anti-depressants, can help men live a longer, happier and healthier life by treating the illnesses and diseases that is affecting them daily. The accessibility of modern-day medicine has made it so that men are one doctors appointment away from the drugs and medication they need. For example, if a man spoke with his doctor regarding his weight and he is positive for diabetes, he has the ability to access modern day medicine to help combat this issue. Alternatively, before a man experiences an illness or disease, he has access to modern day preventative medicine and resources, such as prediabetic counseling with a nutritionist and medical professional team.

Although it has been a proven statistic for women to outlive men by an average of five years, we do not have to accept this statistic as the norm. Men all through out the world are taking their health into their own hands by living proactive, healthy and vigorous lifestyles that will lend itself to a prolonged life. It is highly advisable for all men to reach out to their medical professionals and seek counseling regarding living a healthy and happy lifestyle.

The Movember Foundation encourages men to seek help, whether that be for mental or physical illnesses and to be proactive when it comes to their health. During the month of November, they encourage men to grow out their mustaches, sparking conversations about men’s health. They aim to change men’s attitudes towards being ill and encourage them to take care of themselves, physically and emotionally with preventative care. Would you like to donate and help make a difference?

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