What are the Causes and Symptoms of Parkinson’s?

· 4 min read
Elderly woman suffering with parkinson’s disease symptoms

Parkinson’s disease is normally associated with physical symptoms such as tremors and shaking of the body.

However, it is important to know that Parkinson’s symptoms can present themselves in a wide variety of ways, not always visible to the naked eye. Most individuals with Parkinson’s will experience some sort of symptom during their tenure with the disease. However, it can be difficult to understand the severity and frequency of symptoms will vary from person to person, as no two cases of Parkinson’s are the same.

Perhaps one of the most important aspects of Parkinson’s is recognizing the early stages and warning signs of the disease. If an individual experience one or more of the symptoms of this illness, he or she should seek out advice from their medical professional, as they are the only people that can diagnose an individual with this disease.

Parkinson’s symptoms are broken down into two types: motor symptoms and non-motor symptoms. Motor symptoms are more noticeable to others from outside the body and are often associated with Parkinson’s right off the bat. Non-motor symptoms, on the other hand, are symptoms that are also called dopamine-non-responsive symptoms and affect the other parts of the body that may not be noticeable to the naked eye. Both sets of symptoms of important and should be considered important if detected.

Motor Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease

Motor symptoms include:

  • Slowing of the body
  • A tremor that is often apparent when the body is at rest
  • Stiffness of a limb or the body as a whole
  • Moving at a much slower
  • Trouble walking or mobility
  • Difficulty keeping one’s balance
  • Loss of coordination
  • Loss of ability to express emotions through facial expressions
  • Difficulty controlling movement throughout the body

Non-Motor Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease

Non-motor symptoms for Parkinson’s disease include:

  • Difficulty with swallowing
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Cognitive decline
  • Inability to focus or multi-task in daily lives
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Constipation
  • Increased pain without reason
  • Difficulty speaking
If an individual experiences one or more of these symptoms, it is highly encouraged to seek medical attention, especially if Parkinson’s runs in your family, as it can be a hereditary disease or may come from environmental risk factors such as lifestyle

Individuals who feel as though they may be at a higher risk for Parkinson’s should consult with his or her medical professional early on, as they may be able to assist with prevention or early symptom detection.

The symptoms or side effects of Parkinson’s can interfere with the quality of life an individual has after their diagnosis, as they will play a role in overall wellbeing and happiness. It is important to speak with a medical professional not only when symptoms are first experienced, but on an ongoing basis in order to improve quality of life. Some doctors may recommend lifestyle changes, medical treatments or assistance around the home while coping with a Parkinson’s diagnosis. Living with Parkinson’s and the symptoms or side effects is both doable and possible through the proper treatment and a great support system.

It is very important to remember that medical professional is the only person that can give an official Parkinson’s diagnosis. Upon official diagnosis, a treatment plan will be set in place in order to mitigate the symptoms an individual is facing. It is important to remember that no two cases of this disease are the same, and some Parkinson’s patients will experience more frequent symptoms than others.

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